The Ultimate Goal: How to Stay Healthy for the Holidays—And After

I hear two types of thought processes during this time of year:
“I don’t eat any junk during the day/week so I can enjoy everything on the weekends.”
“I just can’t this month. Life is too busy, there’s too much going on, I can’t focus on my weight right now.”

While they both have some merit to them—being mindful and also just enjoying the holiday season—there is a middle ground. What we often forget is that a little bit of healthy every day goes a long way. There’s also potential long-term negatives to both of the above thoughts. “Being good” all week just to binge on the weekends isn’t healthy or good for your body, and neither is not paying any attention to or taking care of yourself in any way during the holiday season.

Again, there is a middle ground. People hate hearing me say that I don’t diet, cut out any foods or drinks, or “ramp up” my workouts during the holidays, but it’s all true. Instead of focusing on what I HAVE to or SHOULD do, I focus on what I can control every day. And yes, I have a few healthy habits that I do 90+% of the time, unless I’m sick. And those things get me through the holidays maintaining my weight, not feeling like I need a cleanse/detox, and ready to continuing living a healthy life in the new year.

I have four big non-negotiable (/very occasionally negotiable) habits I complete almost every single day—all year long, but especially during the holidays.

  1. I am in bed for at least 7 hours every night. Sleep is when you recover, it’s when our body lowers cortisol, and it’s how you keep stress, fatigue, and hunger pangs at bay.
  2. I work out for at least 30 minutes a day and aim for 15,000+ steps a day. The more movement the better! Fat and weight loss comes more from how much you’re active throughout the day vs. just what and how you exercise during your workouts.
  3. I drink plain water first thing in the morning and drink 80+oz. of plain water every day. When you start your day with water before your caffeine (even 8oz.!), you are helping your body wake up and rehydrate. You’ll notice more alertness, less soreness, and less gut discomfort when you start your day (and continue it!) with plain water.
  4. I eat at least 1 serving of fruit and 2 servings of veggies every day. Raw, canned (rinsed and drained), steamed, sauteed, roasted, whatever! And, I aim to eat my fruit or veggie first, especially when I’m enjoying a holiday meal that’s full of other heavier dishes.

I am not perfect. But I am consistent and I have the mindset of “control what I can control” every day. I can’t control if my kiddo is sick; but I can control choosing water over other beverages. I can’t control the weather; but I can often control going on my treadmill for a walk. I can’t control my husband’s work schedule; but I can control eating an apple or banana or carrots as a snack before I grab a sweeter treat.

The other big reason I succeed: I don’t see these habits as punishing myself… I see them as taking care of my mind and body… I see them as opportunities to do something for myself and my health and wellbeing… I see them as ways to thank God for my healthy body.

When you change your mindset from “I have to” to “I get to” and from “If I can’t be perfect, I can’t do it” to “I will control what I can control,” you will notice less frustration, more success, and more long-term health gains.

You’re worth taking care of, too!

Photo by Ylanite Koppens

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